The Mysterious Relationship of Power, Sex and Victimhood
Written by The Spiritual Playboy on November 27, 2017
An unaware person uses sex to gain power or power to gain sex. I will say that again: an UNAWARE person will USE SEX to GAIN POWER or POWER to GAIN SEX.
And so it has been since, forever.
Both scenarios manifest due to shadow.
Both are clearly sovereign decisions.
Regret does not make the other party guilty. Regret hopefully makes an unaware person conscious.
Far too often we decide to give away our power or our sex for personal gain and once we realize it, we feel betrayed and or victimized. Circumstances will vary, but the final choice is ours, regardless of the perceived outcome, one way or another.
Acknowledging where we sold our self out is the first step in awakening. The next step is ownership and personal forgiveness .
We need to start owning our choices, regardless of how ashamed we are of them. That’s the difference between empowerment and victimhood no matter how difficult that feels.
We are conscious creators of our reality.
NB: this post is about personal decisions in how we use our power and sex and does not include actual victims of violent crimes. There is a major difference between the two.
Society and neo-liberalism wants to avoid personal responsibility by playing the victim card for sympathy and a free pass to avoid responsibility. Very human these days.
Truth is that we always have the power to change the outcome. Problem is, the unaware person will usually use whatever they have to get the outcome they so desperately desire. The conscious person will walk away even with a loss and will do so, confidently.
It has taken me years to figure out how I self victimized and focused blame outward. What I realized is that there is always choice. We sometimes feel like there is no choice because we are so attached to the outcome we so desperately desire, that we do whatever it takes to accomplish it. However, the other option is to surrender our attachment and take care of our soul instead of our perceived material or sexual “needs”.
Love it or hate it, how you interpret this message probably mirrors your relationship with personal power in life.
The choice is always ours and no amount of trolling, gossiping or collusion will ever change that.
#letlovefree and today let’s start w some #selflove for where we betrayed ourselves.