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Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondose heads to Stonehenge, to get a taste of one of the world’s spiritual landmarks, but also finds a spiritual revalation just over the road from it… Check out the crop […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – The Spiritual Playboy explores Glastonbury, finding sources of energy and inspiration from spring water to ancient mounds, and much more… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to follow his further adventures by […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose finishes his mini-tour of London at an Occult Bookstore, and travels to Glastonbury, where he finds a familiar character in a church… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to follow […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – The Spiritual Playboy visits London for the first time, and is taken on a tour of the darker side of the city, seeing Occult sights in old London. Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose finishes his ISTA experience with a final day in Barcelona, some thoughts about the experience, and a meetup with DJ Angel Moraes for a quality night of clubbing… Edited by: […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – The Spiritual Playboy returns to Barcelona, and with his close friends, explores and attempts to deconstruct one of the most famous landmarks, the Sagrada Familia… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – It is time to leave Ibiza, but Frank Mondeose finds time to visit a church and discuss what was found inside… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to follow his further adventures […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – After the ISTA workshop comes well deserved rest and relaxation. Frank Mondeose travels to a local beach with Santoshi Amor to dance at sunset… ======================== In this episode: Santoshi Amor: https://www.tantra-spirit.com/ https://www.ibizatantrafestival.com/ […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – As another fantastic ISTA course comes to a close, The Spiritual Playboy shares findings with the growing group of enlightened people… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to follow his further adventures […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – The Spiritual Playboy joins the ISTA tribe once again and goes cave hunting to discover death, rebirth and the re-merging of sexuality… In this episode: Bruce Lyon https://www.shamballatantra.com/ Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com […]


In this episode – Frank Mondeose touches down in Barcelona to enjoy the sites and sounds before travelling to Ibiza for the next ISTA gathering… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to follow his further adventures by checking out: https://www.thespiritualplayboy.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Spiritual-Playboy-275052649328234/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpiritPlayboy


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose takes us backstage with another exciting annual Monde Ose event, The Burlesque Ball, and shows us a taste of the exciting atmosphere! In this Episode: Monde Osé Presents: The Royal […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – The Spiritual Playboy wraps up a fun-packed journey around Costa Rica with the last day at Envision Music Festival, and some beach time before heading home… In this Episode: Kaypacha https://newparadigmastrology.com/ Edited […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – The Spiritual Playboy is at the Envision Music Festival, Costa Rica, where he meets an old friend, Kaypacha, and drops in on his Yoga session to see whats happening… In this Episode: […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – The Spiritual Playboy continues on in Costa Rica to the famous Envision Festival, to check out the sights and sounds, and meet up with some familiar faces…. Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose is back on the road, sharing wisdom with Laurie Handlers about the definition of Sovereignty and lessons learned from the ISTA training… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to follow […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose wraps up the ISTA training with his thoughts on how Jesus is depicted, and shares moments of happiness with ISTA participants… Edited by: IN-NO-V8 https://www.in-no.v8.com Don`t forget to follow his […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose heads to the ISTA training in Costa Rica, and talks to some of the major teachers and participators on this spiritual training, including Laurie Handlers and Kaypacha. Edited by: IN-NO-V8 […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose talks openly about two foundations of spirituality, Fear and Love, and shares some wisdom from his journey as the Spiritual Playboy about how to cope with them. Edited by: IN-NO-V8 […]


Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank Mondeose’s travels from Mexico to Guatemala come to an end, so there is a time for reflection and gratitude before the next amazing adventure! In this episode: Araminta Barbour https://www.aramintabarbour.com/the-sanctuary/ Edited […]


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