avishag maya zloof

SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! ▶ http://bit.ly/spiritualplayboy The road to 1000 subscribers continues here… Welcome to The Spiritual Playboy Vlogs, following our guide Frank Mondeose in his worldwide adventures in spirituality and ecstacy! In this episode – Frank, Avishag and Crystal Dawn continue their desert trek in Jordan, following the trail of a certain fictitious treasure hunter […]


Frank Mondeose talks to prominent Spiritual/Sexual Paradigm Shifters about their life, love and more. This week, Frank talks to Avishag Maya Zloof, a naturopath and herbalist about her multi-disciplinary approach to health and sexuality. Don’t forget to check out more at: https://thespiritualplayboy.com “Avishag is a beautiful open-hearted friend I first met at the Tantra for […]


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